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Come And See the Missionary Calling

John the Baptist’s ministry was growing. People were traveling great distances to hear this rabbi speak. Listeners turned into disciples and disciples turned into followers. The message of John the Baptist was simple but difficult as his sermons stressed repentance. His message was to prepare those hearers in preparing for the Messiah. John and his disciples were together one day when suddenly John declares, “Behold the Lamb of God!”

Come & See the Works of God

For the next few weeks leading up to Easter, we will begin a new sermon series titled, “Come and See.” The sermon series is topical, however, each sermon will be exegetical. This first sermon in the series is a wonderful segway from the “worship” series we just completed to this series on proclamation. The text for today is a psalm of thanksgiving. The author is thankful for God answering prayer.

Life In the Spirit!

In our passage today, we find that the Apostle Paul is giving us a math problem to the Roman believers. To solve the problem, one of two responses are given. Both are correct, but with drastically different results. Today’s sermon centers on two questions: “Where do your loyalties rest?” and “Who have you given control to: the flesh or the Spirit?”

Sing Praise!

February 18, 2024 In both Psalms, we see the writer praising God’s unwavering, resolute, and dedicated love. Hal David and Burt Bacharach wrote a song and Jackie DeShannon made it famous in 1965. “What the World Needs Now” and you would echo with “is love, sweet love. That’s the only thing that there is just too little of.” As the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz would say “Ain’t it the truth; ain’t it the truth.” The world is…

No More Strangers and Foreigners

February 11, 2024 Number five (5) in the Sermon Series: “Worship.” Every time we share the Lord’s Supper together, we celebrate the cup and the bread in remembrance of what Jesus Christ did for us. What are we to remember Him for, you might ask? I think we all have our own ideas, but the Apostle Paul set the record straight in our passage today: Ephesians 2:11-22.

The Graveyard Shift

A Song of Degrees/Ascents/Pilgrimage/Elevation Fifteen psalms, Psalm 120-134, are grouped together under the sub- heading of “Song of Degrees.” Even though they are titled together, they are diverse in nature. Some are individual psalms while others are corporate. Some are psalms of Thanksgiving or celebration.

Son of Man

In the beginning of the Gospel of John, John declares, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. In this sermon, John Nance-Karl defines who the “Son of Man” is and what His mission was.

The Beauty of His Holiness

This is the second sermon in the series, “Worship” by our pastor, Dr. Bob Crowder. The reason for the psalm and the praise is that the Ark was going to be placed in “house” that David built in Jerusalem. The presence of God was returning in the midst of the people. That is reason to sing and praise God. On any typical Sunday morning, people drive to their local church. We all come with a different agenda. According to a…

Taking Life Seriously

Throughout the world today, churches from many denominations are joining together to promote “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.” Today marks the 40th anniversary which is celebrated on the third Sunday in January. Ronald Reagan instituted this day. We will look at a few verses today to discuss this point, but it is important to notice in this passage that Jeremiah’s birth fits in the sovereign purpose of God.

The Year of Worship

Whether it was a good or bad year, we can lift the plastic sheet of our etch-a-sketch of 2023 and look at 2024 with a blank page. What does 2024 hold in store for us? I am struck by the idea that in 365 days, we will be at this same crossroads: reviewing 2024 and looking forward to 2025. At the end of next year will we look back upon it as one that we dedicated to the Lord or…