Randy Brown
I have been a member of Lakeview Baptist Church for 10 years, and a deacon for a total of 19 years. I’ve been going to church my entire life. My parents took me as a child and provided me with a firm background in the faith. When I was 8, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I’ve been serving in every church where I have been a member. As I grow as a Christian, so grows…
George Martinez
I have been a member of Lakeview Baptist Church for about 15 years, and a deacon for a total of 30 years. I became a Christian at an early age, probably around the age of 10. I was raised in Christian home and both parents were Christians. I grew up going to Sunday School and church at a Hispanic mission in Itasca, Texas. I learned Christian values from my parents and Sunday School teachers. At a revival in Waxahachie, Texas…
Larry Smith
I have been a member of Lakeview Baptist Church for 14 years, and a deacon for 6 years. I grew up “churched” in a small country church. At 11 years old, an evangelistic team from Howard-Payne University came and led a revival. This group was so exciting and so full of God’s love, that I just had to have what they had. During that revival, I invited Jesus to come into my life. God is always present and He cares…
Jason Osburn
Eddie Tyler
I have been a member of Lakeview Baptist Church for 11 years, and a deacon for 26 years. I became a christian when I was 16 years old at a small Baptist church in Odessa Texas. Currently, He has given me the blessing of being able to lead a Sunday School Class. I currently teach the adult class ages 40-80. Hebrews 13:8 states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” This verse is important to me because it…
Phil Petty
I’ve been at Lakeview since 2015, and a deacon since about 2011, serving at different churches. I became a believer at 5 years of age at the testimony of my mom. I am seeing God work in my life on a daily basis. Through congestive heart failure & a pacemaker defibrillator, He has kept me alive and has given me peace & great doctors. My favorite verse is 2 Corinthians 5:21 “God made him who had no sin to be…
David Schetat
I was born in Texas, and have lived in Central Texas since 1996 with my wife Shelley. We have been married for 30+ years, and have three sons – David Jr., Michael and Brian. I renewed my commitment to my Lord Jesus (coming from another faith), was saved in April of 1996, then baptized by immersion. I have been a faithful member of Lakeview since January 2002, when we joined by transfer of letter from another church, and was ordained as…
James Scott
I was born in Gastonia, N.C. in 1972 and moved to Texas in 2008, with my wife, Dawn, son, Chris, and dog, Jersey Girl. Dawn is originally from New Jersey, and we met in North Carolina and were married in October 2003. God blessed us with our son in October 2004. I was raised in a Christian home by my mother, who took us to church every time the doors were open. I was saved at the age of 9…