Randy Brown

Randy Brown

I have been a member of Lakeview Baptist Church for 10 years, and a deacon for a total of 19 years.

I’ve been going to church my entire life.  My parents took me as a child and provided me with a firm background in the faith.  When I was 8, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  Since then, I’ve been serving in every church where I have been a member.  As I grow as a Christian, so grows my service.

What has God done in my life recently?  Wow, where to start?  My career progression stands out in my mind – I’m in my third career!  I started out in the Airforce where I gained many skills and was able to complete my Master’s Degree.  When I separated from the Airforce, God has my next career lined out.  I went through four different jobs in four years.  Only one job change was “my” choice, but God had His hand in all of them.  Each job was “better” than the last, and each one provided me with knowledge and skills I would use later.  When I was laid off the last job, I was unable to find a new job, leading me toward my third career- education.  I had never expected to get a Ph.D., but God has other plans, yet once again.  When I applied to the Ph.D. program, the deadline was several months past. However, there was still a position open and two weeks later, I was a student – with an assistantship to help defer costs!  When I completed my Ph.D., God has already provided me with a teaching position.  7.5 years later, when it was time to move on, God provided me with a “better” teaching job.  Through all of this, my family always had everything we needed, even when I had no income.  Isn’t God great!

Though I don’t really have a “favorite” Bible verse, there are many which have great significance to me.  On that really stands out is Romans 8:28, which states that “all things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”  Whenever things aren’t going well, this verse comforts me – as long as I’m following God’s purpose, everything will turn out OK.

Financial Secretary
Cindy Scott
Ministry Assistant
Jerri Tyler